Make sure you receive bills for all property that you own. Keep track of all parcel numbers.
Check off the bills as you receive them and e-mail or call the Tax Collection Division of the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office if you are missing any bills. Please allow 15 days for mailing.
On the secured tax roll, the first installment is due November 1 and delinquent after December 10, and the second installment is due on February 1 and delinquent after April 10.
Taxpayers have the option of paying both installments when the first installment is due. Penalties will not be waived due to not receiving a bill.
Make sure that you note December 10 and April 10 as payment deadlines for secured roll taxes as compared to the I.R.S. April 15th deadline for federal taxes.
A news release in the newspaper just prior to the tax deadline is the only written notice given of the deadline for payment of county taxes.
Mail your property tax payments early to make sure that the envelope is postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service on or before December 10 and April 10. According to California law, the Treasurer-Tax Collector must review the postmark date to determine if payment was mailed before the deadline.
By paying your taxes on time, you save the following penalties required by California law:
A 10% penalty added after close of business on December 10.
A 10% penalty and $10 cost added after close of business on April 10.
After the end of the fiscal year (June 30), a $33.00 redemption fee and a 1.5% per month (18% per annum) penalty is added to the total due. If a “tax defaulted” notation appears on your tax bill, you may have unpaid taxes for prior years. Substantial savings in penalties can be achieved by paying any prior year back taxes or by initiating a five-year installment plan of redemption.
Any person may elect to pay their delinquent taxes in installments, at any time, prior to 5 p.m. on the last business day of the fifth fiscal year after the property originally became tax-defaulted and prior to the property becoming subject to the Tax Collector’s Power to Sell (California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4216, and following.) The property will not become subject to the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Power to Sell, and the right of redemption will not cease, as long as payments are made according to the terms of this payment plan.
Payments made while on the pay plan are not refundable. The Treasurer-Tax Collector will apply any refund, for any tax year, due the assessee and related to the tax-defaulted property that is on an installment plan of redemption. The refund applied will be treated like any other payment that is made during the payment plan.
According to CA. R&T code the Tax Collector must review the postmark date to determine if payment was mailed prior to the deadline.
RPC will review your tax assessments for refunds at no charge.