When contacting RPC requesting your no cost property tax assessment reduction review our Client Account Representatives (Scott or TJ) will provide courteous and beneficial information.
They will request basic information our appraisers need to assess your property tax refund opportunities.
The property tax reviews typically take 3 – 5 days and are free of charge.
The results will either be our informing you that your property is properly assessed or you may be owed thousands in property tax assessment reductions.
If substantial assessment savings are discovered our Client Account Representatives will forward the documents necessary for you to benefit from reduced tax assessments.
RPC handles all aspects of the assessment appeal, covers all costs and only charges a fee based on a percentage of your assessment savings.
No property assessment reduction, no charge and no risk of increased tax assessments.
Take a look at the RPC Team that will be working in your behalf ensuring the County properly assesses your property. https://www.rpcpropertytax.com/about-rpc/staff/
Trusted since 1989 and BBB rated A+ since 1997.