An assessment appeal will not affect any lender appraisals and/or corresponding loan ratios. In fact, any successful assessment appeal lowers expenses and improves net operating income.
RPC offers a second look at any no cost review for the taxpayer seeking property tax refund opportunities.
For when the client still believes there is a reduction possible
If you believe the value of your property has declined for any reason then you should review your tax assessments to make sure they do not exceed the current market value. It is prudent to review your property tax assessments annually.
Absolutely. Companies are over-assessed by millions of dollars relative to Secured and Unsecured Personal Property Taxes (FF&E) annually. Start your no cost FF&E review.
The tax appeal is your legal right to protect you from undue or unfair taxation and provides a means for you to receive proper representation before the taxing authorities. See our Video Resources page for more details from the County.
It starts when you investigate the possibilities of reducing your property taxes. The sooner the taxpayer begins the process the better. There are annual deadlines and once they are missed there is no recourse for recapturing excessive property taxes. CA R&T code 1604 (c) states that the county has to resolve an assessment appeal within 2 years of application filing. RPC averages 10-14 months from start to finish. Larger counties may take longer due to volume.
RPC is your professional taxpayer advocacy firm and represents your interests before the various taxing authorities. RPC handles all aspects of the assessment appeal, including valuation, investigating, consulting, negotiating, hearing appearance, and taking the proper actions to reduce one of the largest reoccurring expenses property owners face – property taxes. See the Our Process page for what assessment appeals are like for us in-office.
A motion can be filed in superior court to over-turn an assessment appeals board’s decision.
No. We receive many calls from property management firms and taxpayers who have filed an appeal only to discover the complexity and large amounts of time an appeal can consume. They simply assign the appeal to RPC and we take it from there.
RPC has spent 34 years building relationships with the County Tax Assessor offices. We know how the appeal process works better than anyone else. We can get better, results faster for your California properties.
Initially all we need is for you to request a no-cost assessment appeal review from RPC to determine the size and scope of your property tax savings. Complete the simple and secure form on our website and allow 3 – 5 business days for your no-cost review.
34 years of experience, professional relationships with county assessors, and hundreds of successfully prosecuted assessment appeals statewide. Commercial tax appeal negotiations can be complex, adversarial, and very time consuming. Mistakes resulting from inexperience or incompetence can cost the taxpayer thousands of dollars and may actually result in even higher property tax assessments.
RPC’s professional fees are success driven, based on a percentage of the actual tax assessment savings. No contingency fee if there is no reduction.
Yes, the deadlines to appeal the 1-1-22 valuation were 9-15-22 and 11-30-22 depending on the county where the property is located.
RPC can provide you with that information. Please contact us to discuss your unique situation. Go to Tax Assessment Review and get started.
Commercial property appeals are our specialty but we also provide services for home owners with assessed values in excess of $1MM.
RPC has spent the last 34 years building professional relationships with counties throughout the State of California. Your staff may do many things well, but we have the experience to get tax reductions completed faster and with better results than beginners. Staff, attorneys, and CPAs will charge win or lose…
An assessment appeal will not affect any lender appraisals and/or corresponding loan ratios. In fact, any successful assessment appeal lowers expenses and improves net operating income.